Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy foods!

Don't worry, be HAPPY!!! :-)

HaPPy! happY!  HAppY!!!! 

Ok, are you ready to throw up yet? 

I actually have a cheerleader suit on and I'm jumping up and down with Happiness! Yaaaaayyyy ME!!

(finger in the mouth yet?)

You're probably thinking this cheerleader needs to stuff her pom poms right down her big smiley mouth, and I don't blame you.  Or maybe your saying I want some of whatever she's drinking!  Ahhh, how smart you are....

Am I really that happy????........well, lets just say I'm excited about getting HAPPIER by DRINKING more foods that support feeling Good. 

The movie FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD was a great reminder that I can do so much better with my feel good food intake, even better than I am doing now, which is usually in the ball park of 75/25.  It was a huge reminder of the POWER of juicing, which provides dense amounts of phyto-nutrients (nutrients from plants) for our happy wellness of being.

Do me a favor, imagine yourself drinking a wonderful tasting freshly juiced beverage with both fruits and vegetables in it.  The rainbow..... take a moment to experience actually drinking it, tasting it, feeling it nourishing your body.

Ok, how do you feel?

I swear when I did it peptides started marching throughout my body singing hallelujah!

Now let me ask you this:

On a scale of 1-10 how happy were you today?  Were you as happy as you would like to be?  If not, does the reason have to do with:

your state of health?
your fitness level?
body composition?
level of stress?

Read on my friend...........happiness is only a green drink away.

It's true, you cheerleader you, the foods you eat can actually affect your mood.  As a matter of fact, 80% of our serotonin (that wonderful "feel good" chemical our body produces that helps us to be happy) is actually produced in the stomach! And, the stomach actually has it's own nervous system!  No wonder foods affect our mood so much.  Doesn't it make sense that we feel uplifted when we consume foods that are full of nutrients that help make serotonin??

Conversely, how do we feel after we eat a few slices of pizza or a burger and fries?

Try keeping a diet log and marking down how you feel after you eat certain things.  Listen to what your body is saying....your body will tell you if it doesn't like something, I can assure you.

Here's some Body Talk for you.....try protein from something that had eyes and TONS of veggies and fruits daily. A great way to get lots of nutrients from fruits and veggies at one time is to try juicing.

.........I'm ON IT folks.   Let the cleanse begin! 

This time it's a quick, 4 day deal, ending with my husband's b-day on Friday, but I will still keep it clean through the weekend, just not perfect.   More like 80/20 over the weekend, per usual.

Here's what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow.........

1 clove garlic
1/4 avocado
1/2 lime juice
bunch of kale
pinch of salt
2 cups of water

all blended into frothy yum.........

Hello Cells!  Love ya!  Here's comes some yummie green stuff for your nourishment pleasure!

And lunch......

kale, feta, red onion, olive oil salad, with 4 oz. citrus poached salmon (not juiced :)


My favorite chocolate protein shake:  almond butter, banana, chocolate protein powder, almond milk, water, ground flax seeds.

Try it, happy foods.  Fruits and veggies from the colors of the rainbow as your main food staple.  Add in some lean organic protein and healthy fats and you are going to be one HAPPY (and hot looking) CAMPER.

QFTD:  Whoever is happy makes others happy too.  -Mark Twain

Yours in happy food delight,


Monday, April 12, 2010

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead!

Heads-up Body Talk fans!

The Sonoma International Film Festival is here and I will be first in line for one of it's featured films, FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD. 

The Director/Executive Producer/main subject of the film, Joe Cross, happens to be a friend of a friend, but that's not the only reason why I am rolling out the red carpet for these folks.....

I am all over this for the simple reason that these people share my passion to educate people on why America is so FAT and SICK.

Part road trip, part wellness manifesto, FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD chronicles two men's lives who were diracstically changed when they changed the way they ate.  By giving their bodies the proper nutrition they were designed to have, and by removing fake, processed junk, they both experienced dramatic improvements in their health and body that's what I'm talkin about, Sonoma!!

Another healthy living convert, Sonoma's own City Council member/ former Mayor, Ken Brown, will have much to talk about with Joe as he will be interviewing him on his radio show, Mornings in Sonoma, this friday, April 16th at 9:15 a.m.  This can be streamed live at SUN FM 91.3 KSVY, Sonoma.

Ken Brown has recently experienced the benefits of healthy living by making important lifestyle changes himself.  He felt it was time to make his health a priority and has openly shared the experience with his town hoping that others will step up and follow in his foot steps along the path to healthier living........a step in the right direction for already pretty savvy Sonoma.

As his Nutrition and Healthy Living Coach, I have seen the sacrifices Ken has been willing to make short-term in exchange for the long-term benefits of adding more quality years to his life.  This is not easy to do.

Sonoma should be proud to have a leader who has his priorities in the right place. The goal is to get education in place so that the future generations of this town do the same........

QFTD:  Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food. -Hippocrates

Yours in good health,


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Food Revolution!

Ok, people, I have two words for you.......

J a m i e  O l i v e r 

I NEED to know this man.

He is the host for the new ABC show on Friday nights, Jamie Oliver's FOOD REVOLUTION.  Heard of it?

Someone tell me, please, before I blow a gasket.........why on earth has it taken this long for media to turn their attention to the absolute absurd eating habits in this country???.....and what's took a Brit to do it!

Embarrassment, people, embarrassment.

If you have not seen this show, you need to.

You will laugh, cry, throw-up, clap, and praise God all in the same hour. :)

THANK YOU, Jamie Oliver, for having the golf balls to stand in your purpose.....if I had a glass of wine in my hand I'd be lifting it as I type.

Basically, Jamie Oliver, a healthy chef, has taken on what is supposedly the unhealthiest town in America and has infiltrated the school lunch system as well as people's homes and other levels of society only to be challenged every step of the way by unhealthy, negative, byproducts of the SAD (Standard American Diet) way of being in America. 

Tricky thing, telling people they are unhealthy and doing it all wrong.......

As a healthy living coach, I have the good fortune to help change the lives of those who are ready, willing, and seeking change......but this poor man is thrown into situations where many of the receivers of his message are not ready to make the hats off.

It's hard to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our health because our health and physical appearance are in part the result of our lifestyle habits and our emotions......not always easy things to own.

And, like a book, our habits and emotions write the chapters of our lives and our physical appearance becomes the story teller.  What story does your physical appearance tell?  I'm packing an extra 7 lbs. I like to call my Sonoma 7, which is the most recent chapter of my life. 

It is a beautiful thing when someone is ready to step out of the comfort zone, let go of the poor habits, stop the self abuse, and replace it with habits of self love. 

I pray this show goes BIG because we are in trouble, people.  Look around.

The media is a powerful tool for change, and this could be a big step in the right direction, so please visit the web site, sign the petition, and join the revolution.

QFTD:  "Be the change you want to see"......anonymous.

Yours in revolutionary change,


PS. Wendi and Sarah, thanks for joining my Blog!