Monday, January 31, 2011

Shape Up Sonoma!

Hello everyone!

How's the new year treating you?

I heard Saturn is in Retrograde.
Really?!  Saturn??

I have heard of Mercury being in retrograde, and I really don't know what-the-what that means, but, I DO know that it DOES mean something.

Cheez n crackers, folks, is it just me, or has the last week been crazy energy? Seriously, I actually walked across the street today and asked my neighbor if she had any hard liqueur. Not like I really planned on drinking hard liqueur at 3 in the afternoon (for all you know), but the week has been crazy enough to warrant thinking about it, at least. ;)

Anyway, enough about my astrological drama, you need to hear about Shape Up Sonoma.

It's very special, and could potentially help you or someone you love.

It's cool because it's Sonoma, first and foremost. This town is incredibly unique in that it's a small, tight community of great, positive-minded people, so if things are going to happen anywhere, it's here.

Shape Up Sonoma was created by the owner/editor of the Sun newspaper, Supervisor Ken Brown, and myself in an effort to bring health and wellness awareness and support to the community.  Why?  because we believe that healthy living can be a way of life for everyone. It just takes a little retraining of the mind and some time and commitment to change.

Check out the website and like our fan page. Enjoy our program and share it with your friends. Become a member and share your story with us!

You can hear more about Shape Up Sonoma by joining us on Body Talk Radio Tuesdays at 2pm pacific time at 91.3 FM, Sonoma, or stream us live on your computer at  Give us a call at 707-933-9133! Listen to Michelle and I chat about all things healthy living ( and some not so healthy :)

Catch ya soon!
