Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So, how was it? Good Valentine's day?

I got chocolate and a card from Whole Foods. ;)

Did I call it or what?? (ok, not flowers, but I was close!)

.......on the 13th though, because he thought Valentines Day was on Saturday. I guess with all my hint dropping I forgot to tell him what day it was. ;)

Love that guy.

Annie, Suzan, Tom, Laureen, thanks for joining my Blog!

Well, my weight loss goal is happening as it should, in all fairness, sloooooowly...... I have not been the best student of myself and the 80/20 rule.

Now I am going to finish what I started. If I can't do better than what I ask others to do, then shame on me.....

Oh, and the fact that I have to get 1/2 naked in a salsa dress for a benefit ball in 3 weeks might have a little to do with it.........I am desperate to look killer!

Speaking of Salsa, do you ZUMBA?

For the love of God, people, Zumba!!

It's the funnest, most exuberating, humiliating experience of my 40's so far!


My exercise club is big into Zumba.

Yea, we shake, mambo, cha cha, salsa, slide, squat, gyrate, spin, thrust, drink, sweat and secretly imagine ourselves as being in a performance seen by all our old high school friends. .... or is it just me? Come on girls........... :)

Lisa, one of our group, goes with me a lot. She could basically teach the class. She is the sassiest 40 (something:) year old you'll ever see on Zumba floor. Talk about inspiring. She also works, donates a ton of her time, supports local causes, networks like an ant, exercises faithfully, goes to church, is good to her husband, and so on.........you get the picture. Easy Breezy.

Why is it that some people can get 50 things done in a day, and some people 5?

When you find out let me know.

Not like I only do 5 or anything........


I must admit I felt pretty good about myself in the beginning, until I looked in the mirror and realized i did not look AT ALL like the instructor, or Lisa, or anyone else for that matter. I do fine if I don't look at myself. I FEEL my way through it and pray I won't hurt anyone. :)

What else is going on with the "club"?

Well, we are going to Tanya's house next week to watch "Food Inc." and to eat healthy appetizers.

What am I bringing?

Mini tostada bites:

round organic tortilla chips topped with healthy organic shredded cabbage and chopped spinach, spoonful of my fish taco recipe (in other blog), mango salsa, cilantro. Everything fresh and organic.

Oh, and Vanessa, another one of our gals, is planning an ADVENTURE weekend for us!

How cool are we??!

Quick tip for busy moms (as requested by my friend Cristina)..... drink your nutrition instead of trying to get it all through your diet. Often we do not get enough nutrition from the foods we are eating, so smoothies are a great way to get loads of nutrition if done right.

Killer smoothie recipe:

1 scoop choc. whey protein powder
1 tblsp almond butter
1 tsp ground flax seeds
1 c choc almond milk
1 banana
1 c water
2 c ice

blend into a yummy choc nutty smoothie and carry out the door!

Awe man, 9:30. Past my bed time.

A Book worth reading: Never Be Sick Again, Raymond Francais

QFTD: "If the label has words you cannot pronounce, don't eat it!" Paul Chek

Yours in Zumba addiction,


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