Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer in Sonoma

Hello there Body Talk friends!

Good summer?  Living the 80-20 rule?

I was quite proud of myself for having water at the farmer's market last week. Really trying to keep the 80-20 thing going during the summer, which is not always easy in Sonoma. ;)

My week has gone something like this:

Monday, delightful dinner at my friend Kellie's house. Did I mention how delightful it was??  Amazing, is more like it. The theme was Zucchini, and she had zucchini sushi, ratatouille, soup, and an amazing pork dish. The wine and the company were equally amazing. (all in honor of the zucchini races which happened this week at Sonoma's farmers market, which we WON!)

Tuesday, a little slow from the over-indulgence, so drank loads of water and ate kale salad and tomatoes for breakfast, a protein smoothie, and very light at the farmers market, including water to drink.
Feeling still a bit sluggish on Wed., due to the red wine on Monday (I don't do well with sulfates, so red wine takes me down and I pay dearly for it) so I kept it clean with 2 brisk walks in the sunshine. Thursday and Friday, much the same, not perfect, but pretty clean. Today the fog seems to have lifted a bit and I think I will finish the week at 80/20 exactly.

And you???

Ok, so, lots going on in the world of healthy living. Oprah just bought Discovery Health Channel and is accepting video clips for new show ideas for her new healthy living network called OWN, Oprah Winfrey Network. I smell an 80-20 healthy living show a brewing.......Me likey. :)

Speaking of cool television networks, is the bomb.

You seriously need to check it out. It's an amazing web site and newsletter about natural health. Subscribe. You'll love getting their newsletter with great tips articles, special reports and more.

THEY ALSO HAVE A NEW ONLINE TELEVISION NETWORK where I will be posting reality bites on 80-20 living, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my butt has been in the chair feverishly working on ways to make the world a better place. Some cool healthy living stuff in the works and you will be the first to hear when the cat is out of the bag. :)

Here's some summer lovin' for ya:

zucchini sushi - paper thin clices of zucchini with a touch of wasabi, served with soy sauce. that's it. Simple.  Delicious. (thanks Kellie!)

blend 2 bananas, 1/2 pineapple, 2tbsp coconut milk, 8 tblsp pineapple juice. yum.

kids love 3c steamed broccoli, 3 cups steamed cauliflower mashed together, butter, sea salt, parmesean.

fizzy drink - pulp 1/2 melon, 2 kiwi fruits, juice of lime, 4-6 ice cubes, then add sparkling mineral water to top off.

Kiss your man (or woman) after having sipped an ice cold Corona with lime. :)

Hope you are living life to it's fullest and soaking up as much sun as possible.  The sun heals, folks. Don't hide from it. be smart, cover up if your starting to burn, but get as naked as possible and let your body develop a base so you can expose as much of your body to the sun at least 20 minutes per day. Do it for a week and tell me if you notice a difference in your energy.

Food for thought:

Fresh fizzy fruit elixirs, crispy veggie platters, cold soups, salads, shaved ice.

What is your body saying to you these days? I hope you are listening........

QFTD:  When taking someone's picture in Sonoma, you don't have to ask them to smile. :)

Yours in summer smilin,


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