Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hi everyone! Haven't left me, have you?

I wrote a post last week and did not send it because it was just a bunch of pity party whining.

Now, the subject was of great value for us all, my son, his ADHD, and how we are addressing it, and I will post on the subject soon, but I couldn't subject you to listening to my feeling sorry for myself, so after I shamed myself for whining I put my big girl panties on and deleted it.

I was just too over myself to sit down and start all over after that, so here I am, back in the seat talkin' body.

Oh, and did I mention it was a certain time of the month when that all went down?

Thank God I held on to that post and had the good sense to wait until I was of sound mind before deciding to post it.

Be glad, I saved you. :)


Lets talk about this. Shall we?

I think I can help you, Sybil.

The only thing worse than feeling out of your mind that time of the month is your husband pointing out that you are out of your mind.

Am I right, or am I right?

Here's some advice to help you go with the flow baby..............


The "Active" formula is the bomb when it comes to reducing PMS.



Many of the uncomfortable symptoms of PMS and Menopause are related to inflammation.

MonaVie is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Drink it for a month and you'll see what I am talking about. Now I don't want to plug my own business, because that's not usually how I roll, but I am going to anyway because it will help you..... So there you have it.

What else is good for PMS?

Keep a clean diet with lots of organic fruits and veggies and lots of lean PROTEIN.
Avoid bad oils and fried foods, coffee, alcohol, as well as starchy breads and pastas which can also cause inflammation.

Take your fish oils and load up on calcium, magnesium, and Bvits too.

Oh, and don't forget plenty of water and always, SLEEP.

Are you starting to see a theme in my posts?

Water, sleep, whole foods, get rid of the toxic food and drinks, and exercise! :)

I need to talk more about I N F L A M M A T I O N.


Because it is present in all of us and it can be dangerous for our health. It is present in most disease processes and can make us more vulnerable for various diseases.

What is inflammation?

Well, just as it sounds. It can be anywhere from your joints all the way down to the cellular level.

What causes it?

toxins from the environment
over-consumption of packaged, processed foods, fried foods, bad oils, alcohol, coffee, sugars, chemicals preservatives, cigarettes, etc.
repeatedly eating foods we are sensitive or reactive to such as gluten or dairy
cleaning products, household paints, synthetic furnishings and carpets, and more.

GO GREEN, protect yourself from inflammation at the cellular level. Seriously.

Listen to me.

Inflammation is an epidemic and a big reason our bodies are breaking down.

My friend has lost 60 lbs over the last 10 months by COMPLETELY cutting out all forms of sugar (except from fruit) and flour, both of which are pro-inflammatory.

I know, I know, that's an old one, no sugar, no white flour, been there, done that.

Have you?

She looks AMAZING, feels AMAZING, and has greatly reduced all ups and downs related to depression, anxiety, PMS and sleep.

Think you can do it? Avoid all sugar and flour?

I have done it for 27 hours. :)

I plan to continue as much as possible.

Let me define what than means for me.

It means whenever I am not having a weak moment, I will make the right choice.

Well, in all fairness, I am a little better than that, but I must admit, I was tested for food sensitivities and I came up highly sensitive to both, as many people are...... It is actually much harder to avoid foods you are sensitive to, believe it or not. We crave them more.....

trust me.......ain't nothin good ganna come from eating (and drinking) any form of sugar, even the fake sugars) and white flour on a daily basis.

Can you say AGING???

Want to age gracefully? Reduce inflammation. Limit toxic exposure and get lots of Antioxidants in the diet.

UNDERSTAND sugar feeds disease....... flour feeds inflammation, bleached flour has chemicals bad for breast health.


KEEP a journal of everything you eat and drink for a week. What, you don't have time? How much time do you spend on facebook?

Thought so.

I promise you, you'll be surprised and the many ways sugar and flour sneak into your diet........let me know how it goes!

A great book WORTH reading: Inflammation Nation, Floyd Chilton

QFTD: Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies, Frank Gillette Burgess

Have a good one! :-)

Yours in anti-inflammation,



  1. Don't worry, you can whine once in a while. Your human after all! You're one of the most positive people I know : )

  2. I love you Jaime! please come visit me! :) Have a good dr Visit today for Ethan. I want to share with you.......
