Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey everyone! How goes it?

Living 80/20? Feeling 80/20? Funny thing, when you live 80/20 you feel 80/20.

If you are not feeling 80+%, you are probably not achieving 80% healthy living.

For those of you who need a refresher on the 80/20 rule, it's basically based on the fact that EVERY TIME YOU EAT OR DRINK YOU ARE EITHER FEEDING DISEASE OR FIGHTING IT. You are either supporting your healthy living goals or sabotaging them......

By living with the 80/20 rule, you are making sure that what you put into your body is HEALTHY 80% of the time. The other 20% is reserved for those moments when we want to enjoy things we would not consider to be fighting disease.

The best way to live this is to BE PREPARED with your calendar each week. Be clear on what events and activities in your schedule might tempt you to tap into that 20%. Plan accordingly by making sure the rest of the week is disease fighting activity.

Guys, THE RULE adds years to your life and improves your quality of life greatly. Like anything else, it takes practice, but when you master it, your golden.

This rule goes for all healthy living habits. Eating, exercise, spiritual practice, you time, loving relationship time, etc.

The KEY - being prepared, planning out your week and having the foods ready to go daily.

Truly, you are WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat.

Yeah, WHEN you eat has a huge impact on what your body looks like.

You literally WEAR your eating and lifestyle habits......there's no hiding em!

Eat balanced in the a.m., balanced in the afternoon and light (and early) in the evening, your body will look and feel balanced. If you don't eat in the a.m., eat more later in the evening, your body will reflect that by being heavy in those unwanted areas.

Is this you? What are your eating habits?

I am currently leading a nutrition seminar called Weight Loss Boot Camp.

These guys rock.

I am so proud of the participants for their honest, open, sharing and HARD WORK.

Besides the EDUCATION component, our fearless warriors are getting real with their lifestyle habits and the 80/20 rule.

L I F E C H A N G I N G.

I will be launching a Weight Loss Boot Camp on line via webinar in May, along with another one here in Sonoma in June, so it's not too late for those of you who want to get ready for summer.

Stevy, Thanks for joining my Blog!

QFTD: Yet this is health: To have a body functioning so perfectly that when it's few simple needs are met it never calls attention to it's own existence. - bertha Stuart Dyment

Yours in 80/20,



  1. Great, simple and smart advice Heather!

    I love your blog and look forward to more posts...


  2. Hi Heather!

    I'd be interested in the webinar in May! Keep me posted!

