Monday, April 12, 2010

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead!

Heads-up Body Talk fans!

The Sonoma International Film Festival is here and I will be first in line for one of it's featured films, FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD. 

The Director/Executive Producer/main subject of the film, Joe Cross, happens to be a friend of a friend, but that's not the only reason why I am rolling out the red carpet for these folks.....

I am all over this for the simple reason that these people share my passion to educate people on why America is so FAT and SICK.

Part road trip, part wellness manifesto, FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD chronicles two men's lives who were diracstically changed when they changed the way they ate.  By giving their bodies the proper nutrition they were designed to have, and by removing fake, processed junk, they both experienced dramatic improvements in their health and body that's what I'm talkin about, Sonoma!!

Another healthy living convert, Sonoma's own City Council member/ former Mayor, Ken Brown, will have much to talk about with Joe as he will be interviewing him on his radio show, Mornings in Sonoma, this friday, April 16th at 9:15 a.m.  This can be streamed live at SUN FM 91.3 KSVY, Sonoma.

Ken Brown has recently experienced the benefits of healthy living by making important lifestyle changes himself.  He felt it was time to make his health a priority and has openly shared the experience with his town hoping that others will step up and follow in his foot steps along the path to healthier living........a step in the right direction for already pretty savvy Sonoma.

As his Nutrition and Healthy Living Coach, I have seen the sacrifices Ken has been willing to make short-term in exchange for the long-term benefits of adding more quality years to his life.  This is not easy to do.

Sonoma should be proud to have a leader who has his priorities in the right place. The goal is to get education in place so that the future generations of this town do the same........

QFTD:  Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food. -Hippocrates

Yours in good health,


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